Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mini-Project No 1

Instructions: Conduct an Internet search to determine which of the three environmental organisations (Greenpeace, National Resource Defense Council, Wild Spots Foundation) you would wish to join. Analyze their missions and then state the reasons for joining.

Wild Spots Foundation

Wild Spots Foundation is a non-profit organization with headquarters in the state of Florida in the United States of America. The organization is in its fifth year of existence and its main focus and mission is the preservation of the natural habitats of various species found throughout the world, many of which have become endangered and require intervention to halt their extinction.

The Foundation seeks to create in us an awareness of the importance of these natural habitats, not only for the preservation of the various species but also a greater appreciation for our planet and the interdependence between ourselves nature.

It achieves this through the many mediums available to inform and educate the public about sustainable development and the management of the finite resources for the present and future.

Natural Resources Defense Council

Formed in 1970, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has grown to encompass more than one million registered supporters spanning several professions and interest groups. These supporters and the Council share a common view that there is a need to create and maintain an organization that will “safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural system on which all life depends” 1.

It is by nature a non-profit organization with offices in the United States and Beijing in the Peoples Republic of China.

The NRDC seeks to maintain and vigorously defend that balance between the need of mankind for space and development which depletes the limited resources of our planet and the preservation of natural habitats and species that help to sustain our very existence.

The Council tries to make sustainable development foremost in any plan for development without diminishing the “integral place of human beings in the environment.”2

Among other non-profit organizations with similar missions, the NRDC distinguishes itself by also advocating that mankind’s overall need for development should be considered, however those people who will be directly affected by any decision should have an input in the deliberations and their concerns taken into consideration before any final decision is adopted.

Another distinguishing characteristic of this organization is the acknowledgement that there does not exist a level playing field among the many stake holders, who for whatever reason find themselves at a disadvantage when decisions are to be made.

Greenpeace International

By far Greenpeace International is arguably the most vocal and visible independent non-profit organization, championing the cause of protecting the planet from the effects of mankind’s constant abuse of nature through the guises of research and development. It maintains offices in more than forty sovereign states and has at its disposal several seagoing vessels, numerous volunteers from around the world and a wealth of international good will and support.

Greenpeace has stated that its goal “is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.”3

To accomplish this task it has extended its focus to advocate for an end to the unsafe transportation, delivery and storage of chemical weapons and nuclear waste and to promote world peace thereby eliminating the need for armaments and other weapons which in its eyes do more harm than good to the planet.

Its advocacy is supported by strong and visible non-violent, creative means of highlighting the abuses of the environment by companies and states, exposing the offenders to intense public scrutiny and pressure.

Greenpeace hopes that its action will help to formulate workable and sustainable solutions to mankind’s need and desires for constant development without destroying the environment and biodiversity which sustains all life.


I have found the missions of all three organizations to be commendable and worthy of any support which can be offered to them to meet the many challenges they face as they carry out their mandates.

In analyzing their mission statements and through a brief review of their websites to see how great an impact their activities have had on the society; I have decided to give my support the National Resources Defense Council.

The NRDC’s mission statement appears to be attainable. Whilst Greenpeace International is very visible; I do not share their taste for high profile non-violent confrontation. Although it provides the widest possible attention to an abuse of the environment, to me it appears to be a futile attempt to get attention as they carry out their mission.

On the other hand, the NRDC appears to be well organized. It makes use of all available mediums. It utilizes the media, public awareness and educational programs to highlight the challenges facing us, and most importantly it makes arguments and provides representative before the courts.

The very act of seeking to create a balance in our biodiversity highlights its own balanced view of mankind’s needs and desires versus the realities of the mandate to preserve and be good stewards of our environment.


1 Extracted from the Mission Statement of the National Resource Defense Council’s Website

2 Extracted from the Mission Statement of the National Resource Defense Council’s Website

3 Extracted from the Mission Statement of Greenpeace, Website

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